This month has flown by. Time to share some more projects.
`1. Celebrating Mary Brown.
These blocks finish off the first two rows. I'm hoping to get two blocks for next month.
2. Pat Sloan's Jelly Flake Sew Along.
She is running this sew along again next month. I made this quilt in just a few days. Now all I need to do is get it quilted.
3. Another Pat Sloan sew along. Bring Home the Tree.
We are doing a row a week. I need to make another tree block and a station wagon with a tree on top for this week.
This quilt has been on the back burner since Pat broke both her wrists. This month we made the bottom left block and the bottom right block. We were give the layout a while ago but I just started to put the blocks together last week.
5. Aunt Em's Baskets and Blooms Sew Along.
This is the first block. It's tulip.
I made this mini using the leftovers from my quilt doodles block. My husband told me the white on white fabric glows in the dark. He said it freaked him out when he saw it glowing. This mini quilt is 9" square.

Your corner section looks oh so good on the Mary Brown project. We still have a long ways to go.
I didn't realize that you were participating in so many of Pat Sloan's sew-alongs. She sure has had a time recovering from her fall. Breaking one wrist would be bad enough but with breaking two and also breaking a couple fingers, it has been a tough time for her. I usually watch her videos as she always shares so much quilt making goodness.
Many years ago I made myself a blouse with a glow in the dark feature to the print. It was a Halloween print. I would wear it to work at Halloween time. It was a novelty for my co-workers to turn out the lights in the office (no windows in it) to see it glow.
You have so many beautiful projects on the go. ;))) Nice work
Hugs, Julierose
The corner section of Mary Brown is wonderful. Such a lot of work. I've put my Mary Brown box in storage. I think it will have to wait till the temperatures cool off before I get it out again. You have so many things going - it's good to stay busy.
Amazing Mary Brown progress!!!!!! I love each and every project!
Wow so much great progress on many projects! Love the mini!
So funny that your mini quilt freaked out your hubby! Mary Brown is looking awesome—I’m in love with those sunflowers.
You have a lot of pretty projects going. I laughed at the glow in the dark concept. It's a cute mini - lots of energy.
Love that sweet mini, and your other projects too!
Well, that is a first for me! A monthly mini that glows in the dark? Glow or not, I think it is adorable. You have been busy this month. Love those Mrs. Lincoln blocks!! Thanks for another great "glowing" mini!
The corner section of the quilt is beautiful. It looks like you've added a couple more SAL. 😊 why not! It's all about having fun. An interesting observation about your sweet mini. Thank you, dear hubby.
I am always in awe of all of the projects you keep balancing. So much to love here.
And that is a very sweet mini--laughed at the story of your hubby and the glow-in-the-dark effect. :)
Your applique blocks are just fabulous, Cathy, both the Mary Brown block and the Mrs. Lincoln's block.
Congrats on finishing your sweet mini.
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