It's that time again to reveal another block in the Dearest Boy saga. Block 3 D. If you read Julie's blog today she posted her problems with this block. I too was disappointed in the instructions. Where we were supposed to put 4 hexie flowers for the block...the template was way off. Four wouldn't fit so I did....
just one hexie flower. It's just going to have to do. Be sure to stop by Karen's, Carole's, and Julie's Blogs to see what they have done. I am going to take the month of December off. So I won't be posting photos of Dearest Boy blocks until January 15. See you then. A couple of weeks ago I entered a giveaway on Kathy's blog for a chance to win an Olfa product. This giveaway was sponsored by Jacquelynne Steve's for her Save the Bees BOM.
This is the biggest Rotary Cutter I have ever used. I love that I can cut more layers of fabric. I was so excited to win. Thanks to both Jacquelynne and Kathy. The weather has been a mix of rain and snow and cold.... Good sewing weather. Thanks so much for stopping by. Stay warm and get some sewing done. Hugs, Cathy
While going through blog posts the other day I saw Wendy at The Constant Quilter did a challenge quilt with members of her quilt guild. She posted photos of her given fabrics and her challenge quilt. I personally loved her quilt. She wasn't goo fond of it. This made remember a challenge quilt I had made years ago. I've mentioned that I was a member of Interquilt (an Internet quilt guild). They always had block swaps, mystery quilts and a Squishy Challenge. They also had an Interquilt gathering planned at a different location once a year. I only managed to go to one of these gatherings. It was in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. This meeting also coincided with the Squishy Challenge. I had always wanted to do this challenge and since I was going to the gathering I decided to do the challenge. Everyone who was participating in the challenge were sent a piece of the same fabric by the judging committee. Then you received 3 ugly fabrics from one of the contestants.
This is the back of my quilt. The hanging sleeve is the fabric that everyone was given. The three backing fabrics were the fabrics that were just sent to me. We were allowed to add 2 additional fabrics.
This is the quilt I entered in the challenge. I added the black and red fabric. The pattern I used was a Jeanna Kimball pattern. I fused the pieces down and then hand button holed stitch. I hand quilted it in a cross hatch design. I'm happy to say I won first place. When we got home I entered my little quilt in my quilt guilds Quilt Show. It was a NQA judged show. I took first place in my division. We have another snowy day in Michigan. So I am off to get some sewing done. I hope you have a great weekend. Hugs, Cathy
It's time to share the next block in our Dearest Boy sew along.
This is block 3C. And thank goodness it was a fairly easy block. Be sure to stop by Karens, Julies, and Caroles blogs and see their version of the block. The weather here has been cold. We have snow one melts the next day...and it repeats. At least we don't have any accumulation. This cold weather has given me time to get some sewing done. Today I cut out a quilt using 10" squares. I found the cutting instructions on YouTube. It's a half square log cabin block. Hopefully I'll have some blocks to show you next time. Thanks so much for stopping by. Hugs, Cathy P.S. I totally forgot to post this earlier.
Wow...I can't believe we only have 2 more blocks for the Antebellum Album BOM. I have to admit that this was not my favorite block to make. Y seams make me crazy.
It's not perfect but it's done. I have plans on redoing this block before I put the quilt together. And I have a finish. I made the top over a year ago and finally got it all quilted.
I made this quilt using my Accuquilt Go Cutter and my Half Hexagon die. I used a bunch of browns that I wasn't really fond of just to use my new die. Once I got the top put together I really loved it. So now it's finished and it's mine all mine. I went to the eye doctor's yesterday to check if I did any damage to my eye when I fell. My eye has been watering badly the few weeks. Good news there is no damage. Bad news I have extreme dry eyes and my allergies are causing problems. So now I use "Refresh" eye drops 4 times a day. Drops for itching 2 times a day. And an allergy prescription drop 3 times a day. I need to write up a chart for what time to do the drops. But at least there is no damage. The weather has changed. It's windy, cold, gray and cold. I swear I saw some snow flakes the other day. Good quilting weather. Thanks so much for stopping by. Have a great upcoming weekend. Hugs, Cathy