It's time to link up with Carrie at A Passion for Applique with my March UFO Busting.
This is my half Hexagon Table or Baby quilt.
And my EQ7 BOM quilt. The third UFO on my list was my Primitive Primer....I'm sorry to say I never got around to working on it. Well I'm off to link up. Have a wonderful Easter weekend. Hugs, Cathy
Yes!! I finished another UFO that was on my UFO Busting list.
Here is my EQ7 2011 BOM. I machine quilted it in the ditch. I'm really happy with the way it turned out and I am very happy to have completed another UFO. I also finished quilting and binding a cupcake quilt.
Don't know why the photo is so blurry....must be the photographer...LOL One down and 4 to go.
I got my March Seasonal Applique BOM done.
Every thing is needle turn appliqued except for the shamrock. It is fused. I think that this block is very appropriate seeing it keeps snowing here and we are all thinking spring. I got a few more blocks made for my Scrappy Trip Around the World quilt.
Like I said before I am using a Jelly Roll I got from Connecting Threads. I didn't get a chance to work on it too much as I have been suffering from Sinus headaches. I sure will be happy when this weather finally changes.
I have a few other projects waiting to be hand quilted and as soon as they are done I'll show them to you. I've also been cutting some of my scraps into strips and square to use in some mini quilts I have planned. Well the sun is shining and it's warming up a bit. I need to run out and get a few things for Easter Dinner. My daughter Kim is making dinner and asked me to make Potato Salad and Watergate Salad. I think I better make extra as I love both. Wishing you some warm weather, melting snow and friendship. Hugs, Cathy
And it snowed!!! Oh well. I have a little finish to show you.
This little quilt is 13" square. The blocks are paper pieced. I made the top about 2 years ago....sandwiched it....and there it sat. I finally hand quilted it and it hangs on my table frame. I usually have about 4 or 5 projects (large and small) all set to be hand quilted. I am finally starting to finish them. Hope it is Spring where you are. We are still waiting. Hugs, Cathy
They say it is. I even saw a Robin. However, the weather is not being very cooperative. Cold, rain, then snow, sunshine, then gray skies. I am so ready for some warm tropical breezes. But until they come, let's sew. I finished my Small Quilt Talk March Challenge Quilt.
The challenge was to use some ugly fabrics. It's funny...what looked ugly on it's own doesn't look ugly in the quilt. This is my first challenge quilt with the group. My second finish is a project that I made about 4 years ago but never quilted.
It is a table runner I made using leftover block from a quilt I made my son Michael 6 years ago. I finally pin basted and machine quilted it. It is approx. 4 feet long. I am slowly getting some older projects finished. I also got the top finished from my EQ7 BOM.
Now I need to get it pin basted and machine quilted. It is on my UFO Busting list for March. And then there are some projects that weren't on the horizon....but I just had to start. Last year my granddaughter Ashley asked if I would make her a quilt. We chose a design, a plaid quilt, and she picked out colors. I had her go to the paint store and get paint samples for the colors she wanted. I took these to the fabric store and chose fabrics that matched the chips. Then I got chosen for the Scrap Squad and was not able to start the quilt. The other day I was digging for fabric and came across the fabric for her quilt. I decided I had better start working on it. I plan on making at least 1 block a day.
Notice anything funny about the top left block. I didn't notice until I put it up on the design wall and took a photo. I took it apart yesterday and resewed it. The dark fabric is navy with a lighter blue running through it. Probably not the colors I would have chosen but the colors an 11 year old would. The second project is a Bonnie Hunter free pattern, Scrappy Trip Around the World. I have seen so many people working on it and I just had to make one.
I'm using a jelly roll I got from Connecting Threads and a jelly roll of Moda solid neutrals. It won't be as scrappy as some I've seen but I like my first block. I forgot to tell you....My son's girlfriend commissioned me to make a photo quilt for her friend. She wants it in autumn colors. I designed a quilt on EQ with Maple leaf blocks and log cabin blocks. The photo's would be in the center of the log cabin blocks. I just started working on it and really don't have anything to show you yet. I just got the March patterns for the Sentimental Stitches Applique and Pieced BOM's. The applique is a house with a shamrock on it. The pieced is going to be fun...lots of y seams. I finished the row for my Patchwork Posse Winter Wonderland quilt. I need to do some embroidery on it before I can show it to you. And I have another little quilt that I made 2 years ago in the quilting frame. Hopefully I can finish it this week so I can share a photo. Well, I guess I had better get going. Putting on a pot of Cabbage Soup for dinner and then off to the sewing room. Wonder what I will be working on today. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a wonderful day. Hugs, Cathy
Another finish. This is one of my three projects on my March UFO Busting.
I so didn't like this quilt while working on it but now that it is finished I love it. It is approximately 36"x 36". I had in mind a table quilt but it looks like it would make a nice baby quilt. You can hardly see where the half hexagons were sewn together (except on the large red check hexagons.) I started working on my second UFO Busting Project.
Here are the blocks from the 2011 EQ7 BOM. I only made 9 blocks and really don't want to make anymore.
This is the layout I came up with. I'm hoping it will look better once it is sewn together. I'm hoping to get the top sewn together later today. I also finished the hand quilting last night (while watching Hell's Kitchen) on my Stripy Triangles Quilt and plan on attaching the binding and finishing that up tonight. I have to laugh at some of the comments I have gotten. Mainly....Do I do anything but sew? Well, occasionally I do vacuum, and I cook, sometimes I do laundry and dishes....but yes...I do a lot of sewing. I have a very understanding DH. He retired last year and believe it or not he likes to do dishes and the laundry. As long as I cook he is a happy camper. Also I get a lot of sewing done in the winter...but come spring, summer and fall we love to go camping. I usually don't get as much done then. However, since we bought a new trailer, I have one of the storage compartments under one of the benches which will be mine all mine. I plan on taking one of my featherweights with me and some projects. It's cold here in Michigan today. We woke up to snow, wind and icy streets. Another good day to stay indoors and sew. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day. Hugs, Cathy
The first is my Windmill Quilt. I hand quilted it with #12 Perle Cotton. I really like how it glides through the fabric.
The second finish is my March/April quilt for the Simply Charming SAL. It is called Teresa's Treasures. I used some charm squares I had left over from another project and machine quilted it. Sorry the photo looks a little fuzzy. My list of projects for March Update. 1. Joined at the Hip BOM (They still haven't posted this month's pattern.) 2. Sentimental Stitches March Applique BOM and Pieced BOM. (I receive these patterns on the 14th.) 3. Monday Mystery. March 4,11,18,25 4. Patchwork Posse Row Robin (I have my row finished but need to do some embroidery before I show it to you.) March 11, 25 5. 10 Log Cabin Bow Ties. 6. Small Quilt Talk quilt. (It is made and I am almost done hand quilting it.) 7. Simply Charming Quilt for March/April. 8. March UFO / Hexagon Quilt. The top is finished and machine quilted. I the fabric for the binding yesterday and hope to finish it today. 9. March UFO / Primitive Primer. 10. March UFO / EQ7 Quilt. 11. Blue Table Runner. (It is quilted and the binding just needs to be sewn down.) 12. Windmill quilt. 13. 5 cupcake 12" x 12" quilts. If I'm lucky I might just get most of this list done....well, maybe. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you have a great day. Hugs, Cathy
Wow...I didn't know I would last this long. It's been 2 years since I started blogging and this is the 200th post. And I have 189 followers. I'm going to have to think of some type of giveaway...more to come later. This post is about what I want to try and accomplish during the Month of March. Some are new, some are old, some are on going. BOM's 1. Joined at the Hip (They haven't posted March pattern yet) 2. Country Threads. I showed a picture of the blocks on my last post.
3. February's Sentimental Stitches Applique BOM.
This is suppose to be fusible applique but I decided to do needle turn applique. It took forever because of the little pieces. I signed up for this around the 14th of the month so I get the new patterns on the 14th. 4. March Sentimental Stitches Applique Block. 5. March Sentimental Stitches Pieced Block. 6. Monday Mystery..March 4, 11, 18, 25 (Nothing to show as of yet) 7. Patchwork Posse: Row 3, Row 4 (I posted a picture earlier in month) 8. Log Cabin Bow Ties: I'd like to get 10 more blocks done. 9. Small Quilt Talk Quilt.
I joined the Small Quilt Talk Group on Yahoo. Each month Kathy Tracy picks one of her quilts for the group to make. This is Stripy Triangle. I need to get it sandwiched and quilted by the end of the month. I was really happy with the way it looks. We were suppose to use ugly fabric. But i only used a few..and they don't look ugly now. 10. Simply Charming Quilt a Long.
This is my March/April quilt. We make a quilt from the Simply Charming book every 2 months. This needs to be basted and quilted by April. But I hope to get it done this month. I joined a group of quilters to do some UFO Busting. Earlier in the month I picked my 3 to work on this month. 11. Hexagon Table Quilt.
I got all my rows finished and now I need to get them all sewn together, trim the sides, pin baste and then machine baste. These are not colors I would normally choose. The quilt is made from some charm squares I was given. 12. Primitive Primer. 13. EQ7 2011 BOM 14. I need to get a table runner that I have pin basted quilted. 15. Windmill Mini.
It is in the quilt frame and almost finished. I am hand quilting it with #12 Pearle Cotton. 16. And in my spare time I want to get 4 more cupcake quilts made. They are only 12" x 12". Well I guess I had better get going and see what I can get done on my list. Stop by again and I will show you what I have done. Have a great day Hugs, Cathy
I don't know if I have told you but I am a huge fan of the Detroit Tigers. As I write this post I am watching them play Houston in Florida. They are leading 2-0. Wish I was there. It is sunny and warm there. It's sunny here in Michigan too but it definitely not warm. Another day to get some sewing done. Over the weekend I did get a chance to get a little sewing done.
I made the March Blocks for the Country Threads BOM.
I finished the 3rd row for the Patchwork Posse Winter Wonderland Row Robin.
I hand quilted my Cheri SAL quilt. I have used #8 pearl cotton before. This is the first time I have used #12 pearl cotton. I want to tell you....I LOVE IT. It goes through all the layers so smoothly. I think I am going to use it a lot more often. I like the way it looks too. The other day we took Sammie for a walk. Here she is in her Christmas sweater.
The problem is she is a bit too long for it. I'm going to have make her a quilted jacket. We didn't see too much while on our walk. But when we got home there were a ton of birds in the back yard in the feeders.
The male cardinal was up in the tree keeping an eye on his lady....
was in the feeder feasting on sunflower seeds. They are such beautiful birds. One day I looked out and there had to be 4 pairs of them flitting around between the bird feeders and the tree. Well the Tigers are still ahead and I'm headed to the sewing room to cut out some 3" squares for a new project and put the game on in there. Hope you are having a wonderful start to the week. Hugs, Cathy
It's March 1st. Spring is just around the corner. Well, as soon as the snow melts. I've got a few projects to share with you. I finished my Temecula Sew-a-long.
This was so much fun. I used fabrics I got in Scrap Bags from Homestead Hearth. The border has gold and beige running through it. This is now on the pile of tops to be quilted. The second project is one of the current Quilts by Cheri SAL.
As you can see it is basted and ready to be hand quilted. I plan on using #12 pearl cotton to quilt it. The blocks are 2 3/4". Well it is time to choose the next 3 UFO's to work on. 1. My Primitive Primer Quilt.
This is only a portion of what I have done. I need to make 2 more blocks and then sew all the blocks together. I've been working on this since 2011.
2. My 2011 EQ7 BOM.
I only made 9 blocks. Although I don't plan on making any more blocks I do want to figure a setting and then get this baby quilted. I used batiks and hand dyed fabric in these blocks. 3. Hexagon Table Quilt.
A while back I bought the template to make half hexagons from charm squares. It is amazing how quickly it went together. I would like to finish this and then machine quilt it. Later I need to link up with Carrie for March UFO Busting. The winners were drawn for the "Dear Emma" book giveaway. They are listed on the previous post. I also emailed them asking for addresses. Well I hope it is warmer where you are. I woke up to 26 degrees. It has warmed up to 33 degrees however it is really windy and feels much colder. It's off to the sewing room...I'm working on the latest row for the Patchwork Posse Winter Wonderland SAL. Hugs, Cathy
And the winners are..... June D and Sandi @ crazyboutquilts. Ladies I am sending you an email. Congrats. You are going to love this book. Thanks to all for being a follower. I hope you visit often. Hugs, Cathy