It was really hot up north. We cooled out by riding around and visiting waterfalls.
These are Agate Falls. I had not been here since I was a kid. My son decided we needed to go off the beaten path to get a better view. I am not a mountain goat. But I went. Had to be pushed back up. LOL
These are Bond Falls. Years ago me, my husband, Mom and Dad visited these falls. We had to climb down a gully to get there. This time was much easier. They have built a very nice boardwalk which made it real easy to get to the falls.
We took a short walk near the edge of the falls. Made for a nice picture of my GD Ashley.
My son pointed out this little critter. Well maybe not so small. But he was a nice looking Snapping Turtle.
Up above the falls while enjoying Ice Cream in the shade we came upon this mother Duck and her 6 Ducklings. They were so much fun to watch.
On our way home my husband spotted this eagle. Earlier in the day we had stopped so Ashley could go swimming. The area was home to quite a few eagles. I saw one soar down and catch a fish not far from where we were standing. Unfortunately my camera was in the car.
Next day my son Patrick too me, my husband and Ashley for a full day Jeep ride. (I'm telling you my underside still hurts). We went down roads that I never thought any vehicle would make it through. We barely
We had to climb down to see these No Name Falls. Small but sweet.
We headed back into town and walked along Lake Superior in Marquette. In the background are the ore docks.
Off again to higher elevations....
This is the view from Marquette Mountain. It is so beautiful up there.
Although it was very hot we had a great time. Lots of quality time with the family. The only quilty part of the vacation was Ashley picked out the pattern for the next quilt she wants me to make her. It is going to be a plaid quilt.
We got home late Saturday, and vegged all day Sunday. Today I get to get back to quilting.
You know years ago when we came up north to camp it would be on the cooler side. We would wear long pants and sweat shirts. Fast forward many moons......OMG it is soooo hot and humid.
We started the morning off going for a walk. We weren't alone.
This little guy tried to keep up....
Saw lots of wild flowers.
Now the Marquette area is know for its Iron Ore mines. There were lots of them back in the day. Our walk led us to an old mine.
Loved this scene made out of slabs of ore.
My lovely granddaughter Ashley....
Behind Ashley is the mine. There is a big iron gate so no one will go in. At this point we were dieing from the heat. We had only gone a 1/2 mile so decided to go back to the car.
On the way to the car Ashley found this little tree frog. I don't know about you but these old eyes would never have found it. It was so tiny.
We stopped on the way home and had a picnic. (no photos) And once home we went in Ashley's pool.....(definitely no photos)
Tomorrow another picnic and a day at the beach on Lake Superior's Shore. Hopefully it won't be as hot.
Keeping up with my blogs...but not too much quilty stuff.
I sewed the sections of the house block together for my Primitive Primer. It's really coming together. I will be working on the vase of flowers while on vacation.
This is my Hybrid Tea Rose from the 15 Minutes Play BOM series. Although there are more than one block per month. They just posted the tutorial for the next block. It is fantastic. Check out the blocks and tutorials. 15 Minute Play link is on my side bar.
I now have 10 Floribunda blocks done. They are all a combination of yellows/golds and florals. I hope to make enough for a full size quilt. All different yellows and florals. Thank you Bonnie Hunter.
The latest Barbara Brackman CW block. This is the last of ongoing projects. Now for old and new finishes.
This is a quilt that was years in the making. I took a class many moons ago with Margaret Miller. I first saw her on Simply Quilts and loved what she made. The class was called "Strips That Sizzle". I was new to quilting and wanted to try everything. I made all the blocks at the class she taught. Then the blocks went in a box. Years later while living up north taking care of Dad my hubby brought me these blocks he found. Waa Laa....the finished project. I just put this one up in my living room today.
I think I've showed this one before. I pulled it out to celebrate the warm weather. I designed this quilt from orphan blocks. Please excuse how it looks....I didn't know it was so wrinkly until I looked at the photo. I definitely need to iron it.
Last but not least....this undisclosed quilt will be mailed from an undisclosed location to an undisclosed person....LOL I will show you the complete quilt after it is mailed. Can't show it now as the person it is going to reads this blog.
Now before I leave I want to tell you about a new book and a great giveaway. Mary Lou Weidman's new book "Out of the Box with easy blocks" has been released. You can read about it here on her blog. The giveaway is from Em at Em Celebrates. She has some great fabric she is giving away. So go over and leave a comment.
Well today I will be getting some projects ready to take on vacation. Probably won't get much done but it will be there if I have the time. Tomorrow I pack the suit cases and we get up early Sunday morning to leave for the Upper Peninsula. My son lives in Marquette which is on Lake Superior. Can't wait.
I will probably post vacation pictures while up there as I will be taking my computer. I just have to keep up with my blogs.
I started with an outline of the flower in the center. Then I did free motion daisies in the white squares and finished with some swirling wave like meandering in the pink sections. Then I bound it and.....
...hung it on my inspiration wall in my sewing room. I started this free motion quilting journey with Joanne @ "Thread Head" but stalled out. Then I received a quilt from a swap at 15 minutes play from Em @ "Em Celebrates" (the quilt in the upper right hand corner). The quilting was fantabulous.... it's like I want to be just like her when I grow up....even though I am much older than her. Now before I go to sleep at night I keep thinking about what I want to quilt and how I want to do it. lol
Well this morning my husband let Bear out and saw him licking something. He put him in the house and then went to check out what had caught the dogs attention.
A baby bunny. To give you an idea how small this bunny is....the leaves around it are slightly bigger than a quarter. You can see the mark on the top of its head where the dog licked it. It is sooooo cute.
Well I'm waiting for my daughter to get home and pick up my weekend guest. Then I am off to the sewing room to play.
Hope you have been having a wonderful weekend and a quilty day.
A Primitive home that is. Here is my house block for the Primitive Primer. When I sewed the first couple of rows together I I pulled out a quilters best friend (seam ripper) and redid the rows. Then I goofed again. I cut sections wrong... so now the door is on the left side of the house instead of the right side. But I do love how it turned out. Now I have to start work on the vase of flowers applique blocks. This has been soooo much fun.
I also got 3 more bow tie blocks made and 3 more Floribunda blocks. Hoping to get more done today but not sure.....
You see I have a house guest for the weekend. And he is a demanding guest. He wanted to go for a walk as soon as he got here. For such a tiny little fellow Bear (yes his name is Bear) dragged me down the sidewalk. I almost had run to keep up with him. He follows me where ever I go. I am so afraid he will get lost in my sewing room, he could end up in a quilt.
The weather is wonderful, sun is shinning, slight breeze and just plain beautiful. And the count down is on. NINE days till I leave on vacation. I can't wait.
"Floribunda". Don't you just love how the name rolls off the tong. This quilt comes courtesy of Bonnie Hunter. She figured out the pattern for an antique quilt and then posted the directions on her blog and on her website. It is done in yellows and florals. I am using all kinds of yellows, some plain, some checks, some florals..... Check it out and then come play along. It is soooo easy to make. I'm going to make 2 blocks a day till I like the size of the quilt.
My Primitive Primer is coming along very nicely. I started sewing sections together.
Today I am going to work on the house block. Then I just have the Starburst block and the Vase with Flowers. Last but not least the appliqued border.
Here is the latest Barbara Brackman Block.
I was originally going to call this post...."Really, I mean Really?" But while reading blogs last night I came across my friend Em's blog and that was the title she She tells a nice story that I am part of. I emailed her and told her how much I loved her story about "Story Quilts". She emailed me back saying she was thinking of me and checked her email and there was an email from me. Can't wait to see her next story quilt. Clue: It has something to do with "Big Girl Pants" aka: Me. Check out her blog "Em Celebrates". A link to her blog is on my sidebar.
Now the reason I was going to call my post Really is.....I've been thinking of all the projects I'm working on and I signed up for another....Really"? Here they are. Not in any particular order.
Bunny Hill BOM
Barbara Brackman Civil War Blocks (weekly)
Farmer's Wife Quilt-a-long.
15 Minutes Play BOM
15 Minutes Play Block Bee (starting in September)
Primitive Primer
Log Cabin Bow Ties
Regular Bow Ties
These are the ones I am actively working on. I really want to start the Kaleidoscope blocks and I have just signed up for a Blog Hop quilt-a-long starting this month hosted by Sew Joy. Her link is on my side bar.
You know I can't understand why my husband is so concerned about housework and meals... doesn't he know my art comes Maybe I should cut back on my projects....Nah!
Hope you all had a safe and wonderful 4th of July weekend. I did but I am soooo looking forward to my vacation in a couple of weeks. We are going to my beloved Upper Peninsula to visit my Son, Daughter-in-Law and granddaughter.
Wishing you a quilty day and thanks for stopping by.
This is EQ7 BOM. It went together so much easier than it looks. You sew it like a 9 patch. Remember this is a free BOM. If you make the month's block send a picture to EQ and you have a chance at winning a prize. You don't have to have EQ because they give you the directions on their blog. I don't have EQ7 but I do have EQ5.
Such a great cause and so many beautiful on one, buy one or make one.
I sent this little beauty in last month and it sold this week for $45.00. I'm not bragging but showing what a little time and effort can bring some money for this great cause.