Friday, March 21, 2025

I've Been Quiet!

 I have been quilting but we will save that for another day.

Today, I had my 5th Bladder Cancer surgery.  It went well and I should find out the pathology in a couple of weeks.  For now, I'm tired.  I will try and post in a couple of days and show some quilts.

Hugs, Cathy


Marsha B said...

I pray the results are good. Rest, relax and breathe.

Annelein said...

Take all the rest you need...

Janet O. said...

I'll keep you in my prayers--and I look forward to seeing what you have been creating.

liferecipes said...

Wishing you a totally clean pathology report! Prayers to you. May you drink delicious ice water in peace and serenity. Drink anything you want, as a matter of fact! Eat all the goodies you want!

Nancy said...

You are a stalwart woman, Cathy! Five surgeries for cancer is a lot. I hope the pathology results are just what you're hoping for. Yes, rest, rest, rest! Prayers for you. Take good care.