I'm happy to say I finished the watermelon blocks. However, I pieced them instead of appliqueing them. I've been having eye problems and took the easy way. This will make my quilt unique to me.
The first block I cut the red block too small...even though I had written out the correct directions...lol
And here is the moon and watermelon. In case you missed it. I finally finished the basket block for this quilt.
It turned out better than I hoped. I just wished I had chosen a different green. I went for my second mammogram session in 2 weeks. This time they concentrated on the right breast. They took 8 films and I also had an ultrasound. I am happy to say that they said there was nothing to be concerned about. WHEW!!!! They couldn't find my old films to compare so that is why I had to go for the second mammogram. Friday I went for my eye lid surgery. I don't want to go through that again. My right eye is fine, I just had a small growth removed. The left eye still has swelling and some bruising. I had 2 growths removed. Hopefully I'm done. Thanks for stopping by. I'm going to link up with Lori @ Humble Quilts. Hope to see you there. Hugs, Cathy
Well, maybe not Absent Without Leave but last month I was certainly absent. Last month I had some issues. One day I bent over and when I sat up I had the biggest floaters in my eyes and was seeing bright bits of light. I went to the eye doctors for an exam. Nothing too bad...but I needed new glasses. I had also had lots of eye watering so it's been difficult to sew at times. The doctor noticed a skin tag on my eyelid that has changed since my last exam. So off to the eye surgeon. He said it had to be removed. So this Friday I will have the growth removed and biopsied. Next up was my annual Mammogram. Well it's been longer than a year. Any way they saw something on my right breast. They wanted to compare films from my last one. However, they closed that facility and the films are in storage and no one can find them...go figure. So tomorrow I have to have another Mammogram and an Ultrasound. I'm not too worried about it. Since I have had visual problems it has taken me longer to get some things done. But here we go... Up first my Front Porch block for July. I missed the link up at Humble Quilts.
I wish I had chosen a different green for more contrast but I'm still happy with this block.
I am way behind on my Cabot Cuties. Hopefully I can get caught up this month.
I do enjoy making these blocks. These blocks are 4 1/2" finished. 1857 Sampler
You may notice that I haven't added the corner diamonds on any of my blocks. I'm going to try and figure out a different way of putting these blocks together. This is my Westering Women block.
Well that is it as far as sewing goes. We did get to go to our annual Detroit Tigers game with my daughter Kelley and her hubby Chris. It has been so hot here that I was afraid I would melt in the heat. We lucked out. It was a beautiful night and the Tigers won.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you have a great day and get to enjoy some nice weather like we are. Hugs, Cathy
Time sure flies... It is time to reveal the 3rd round of our Gwennie Inspired Medallion Round Robin. I got to decide what this round would be....Log Cabin. You could interpret any way you wanted. I apologize for the wonkiness of my photos. I need to tack down my design wall so it is smoother.
For Gwennie #1 I chose an abbreviated traditional Log Cabin block. I set the blocks in an nontraditional setting. I'm really happy how it is turning out.
Now for Gwennie #2. With the exception of the basket block and borders all the fabrics are either batiks or hand dyes. My border is a variation of a courthouse steps block. I am a more or less traditional quilter so this design is out of my comfort zone. However, I am getting more relaxed and comfortable working on this quilt. We will be linking up with Lori at Humble Quilts this month. Now for the theme for August's round. Katy at Katy Quilts has chosen "Stars". So jump on over there and here what she has to say. I can't believe how time has flown. We are starting round 4 and only one more to go. I look forward to seeing what everyone has done with the Log Cabin theme. I already know what I'm doing for Gwennie #1. Not sure about Gwennie #2. Thanks for stopping by. Hugs, Cathy