Saturday, October 12, 2019

A Health Issue

I wasn't going to say anything but since this is Breast Cancer Awareness month I felt I should say something.

6 months ago I went to my doctor telling her I was experiencing some pain in my left breast.  She sent me for an Ultra Sound.  They called me the same day and said they wanted to do a mammogram the following week.

I was told they saw a shadow and wanted me to come back in 6 months.  So a couple of weeks ago I went for my mammogram.  They called me that day and said they wanted me to get an ultra sound and a biopsy.  This was done on a Wednesday.  I got the call on Monday stating it was diagnosed as cancer.

The spot was only 4mm so it was definitely found early.  It is a very slow growing cancer another good thing on my side.

This last Tuesday I met with the "Cancer Management Team" at my hospital.  I had a 4 hour appointment and met with Doctors, therapist, nutritionist, a  cancer survivor, an oncologist, a radiologist and plastic surgeon.

Needless to say I got plenty of information.  I took my daughter with me and she took notes because I would never have remembered any of it.

I will be having a lumpectomy sometime this month.  This will remove all the cancer.  I don't need to have any chemotherapy but have elected to have radiation therapy.  This will last for 3-6 weeks, 10 minutes a day, 5 days a week.

I'm still upset over the cancer diagnosis but I am so grateful for the early detection.

If you are reading this and have not had a mammogram I advise you to get one.  It doesn't take long, and does save lives.

So with all the appointments, surgery and radiation therapy my quilting will be taking a back seat.  I still plan on getting some quilting done but not as much as I'm used to doing.

I will post on my blog when I have any updates and will try and get some quilty posts in.

Thanks for stopping by.

Hugs, Cathy


  1. Oh, so scary for you, I think it is something we all fear; but how lucky it was found early and they are dealing with it so quickly.
    Best wishes, I am thinking of you,

  2. Sending best wishes and hugs your way.

  3. I'm so glad you caught it early. I went through that starting in May, 2018. I had no indication of anything wrong, just went for the annual mammogram. They questioned something and after a second mammogram, an ultrasound and biopsy they said it was cancer. Mine was also 4mm, so tiny. I had a lumpectomy and with the characteristics of my cancer followed that with six months of chemo and four weeks of radiation. I am now cancer free, on a hormone manipulating medication and everything looks good. Yep, those mammograms are so important. Hoping all goes well for you, you will get through it and quilting may even help with your healing. Cancer slowed me down but stitching helped me so much. Lots of prayers for a quick recovery!

  4. Hope it all goes well--sending prayers and hugs Julierose

  5. Cathy, we are all send prays and positive thoughts. Thank you for sharing your story. I know that wasn't easy. Lean on all of those around you. They will give you strength.

  6. I'm so sorry, Cathy, yet so grateful that the cancer was caught early. I wish you all the best during your treatments and after, too.

  7. This exact same thing happened to my best friend. Same diagnosis, same treatment. She is now five years clear. Not fun, but you can look forward to putting this behind you. Hugs!

  8. The word cancer can be so frightening. I am glad you caught early and already have a treatment plan in place. Hugs and prayers are being sent your way. So glad your daughter is there to be with you.

  9. A big hug to you and I know everything will go well. About 20 years ago I had a mammogram and then the ultrasound and then the biopsy. Mine turned out to be a precancerous and then the area was removed. I was monitored every 6 months for 2 years. Trust in your doctors,your faith and family. My prayers to you. Hugs,

  10. Thank you for sharing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, you are not alone.

  11. I hope you get through your treatment without any complication. Thank goodness for early detection! Take care and hugs to you and your family.

  12. OH Cathy!!! I am so, so sorry. But, as a nurse, I know at the stage you are in, this is a very treatable thing. I am glad you found it early. I am praying for complete healing and NO MORE of it! Hugs and love!!

  13. Oh I am so sorry! I am glad you caught it early and are being treated well. One of my friends just went through surgery and radiation and has recently gotten the all clear. I hope you get your all clear soon.

  14. I had the same experience -- same diagnosis, same treatment plan -- eighteen years ago. All is well. Sending hugs!

  15. Good that you have caught it early but I am sorry that you have to go through the treatment. My mammogram is coming up soon. Already scheduled.

  16. Hooray for the catching it early part - and all manner of good wishes for the treatment process. I get my mammograms faithfully as all the women in my family except for the current generation have ALL had cancers, notably breast and colon. Glad you spoke up and shared with us - we can all keep you in our thoughts and prayers this way.

  17. SO glad you caught it early, Cathy--but it is never a diagnosis you want to hear.
    I have my mammogram scheduled for this Friday. My gynecologist won't let me leave my annual physical without setting it up.

  18. Hopefully they recommended a LOW sugar diet, as sugar feeds cancer cells, so starve those babies out! Blueberries are an excellent cancer fighter as well. So glad it was caught early! Exercise is good to help fight it as well. Always a good idea.

  19. Hello from Belgium,I am Tine have the same cancer.
    Don't let down your quilt! During my chemiotherapy
    I took my quilt with me,that's save me.
    All my best courage for you. Tine

  20. Sending prayers and positive thoughts - so good that you had your daughter there with you for the big appointment. I'm sure it's overwhelming. One step at a time, in good hands.

  21. Glad it was caught early! Will keep you in my prayers
