Friday, January 31, 2014

No Birds in The Feeder....

I wonder why?

They're no dummies.  This hawk has been hanging out all morning.

Hugs, Cathy


  1. I'd be hiding, too! LOL I remember a couple of times at my other house looking out and seeing a BIG bird (hawk) sitting on the fence PLUCKING one of my 'regulars'! ACK! Another time, he was in the grass plucking one. I know it's the 'circle of life' but when they snag one from my feeder, I feel bad, thinking I made them an easy target. (I know, but still.)

  2. what a beautiful bird~!
    we've had them do fly by's of our feeders too. i'm never sure whether to be happy or sad that they are hanging around . . . it's good to see them as part of the bird world and sad to see them actively and almost always successfully hunting their own meals.

